Collage / 19 x 13

On September 1, 2021, the US Supreme Court issued an order denying the petition of an abortion provider, Whole Women's Health, to enjoin a Texas statute essentially banning women's constitutional right to abortion contrary to the holding of Roe v. Wade. See Whole Women's Health v Jackson. The decision was devastating to women and portended the future overruling of Roe v. Wade. This decision primarily impacted poor women who cannot afford to travel to another jurisdictions for an abortion. The Supreme Court's decision shocked the nation. Sonia Sotomayor authored a scathing dissent. "The Court's order is stunning.," she wrote.

This collage was created to honor Justice Sotomayor's dissent. It is included in an exhibit entitled "One Nation" on display at the Heller Museum of the Hebrew Union College in New York from January to December 2023. The exhibition catalog is available here.

The One Nation exhibit was then shown at the Mid Wesstchester JCC in Scarsdale, NY. In July 2024 it will travel to three different venues in San Francisco--the Osher-Marian JCC from July through September, 2024, the Peninsula JCC from October Through December, 2024, and the JCC of San Francisco from January through May 2025.