Articles and Catalogues
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Review of Heller Museum Exhibit, Seeking Joy in Lilith Magazine

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Ayala Or-EL, ‘Holy Sparks’: Illuminating 50 Years of Women in the Rabbinate Through Art, Jewish Journal (2024)

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Heller Museum, Seeking Joy Exhibit Catalog

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Jean Bloch Rosensaft, Can Art Change the World, Lilith (5/16.2023) [Article on the HUC One Nation Exhibit]

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One Nation Exhibit Catalog, Heller Museum at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York (2022)

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Jean Bloch Rosensaft, Holy Sparks: Celebrating 50 Years of Women in the Rabbinate, Reform Judaism.Org (2022)

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Holy Sparks: Celebrating Fifty Years of Women in the Rabbinate, Heller Museum at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York

The Nasty Women Are Watching protest poster made for the first Women's March after the inauguration of Donald Trump is now part of the Still They Persist Collection founded by Sara M. Vance Waddell and The Fem Four.

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Susan Bloom, Remembering "The Notorious RBG": Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jersey's Best (Winter, 2020): Elizabeth Langer featured in the text.

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Rodrigo Torrejon, Former Rutgers Law Students Remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Their Professor and Leader, (Sep. 20, 2020)

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' How many people get to say they worked for their idol?': Women in law remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg's profound impact, The Lily News (Sep. 19, 2020).

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John Murph, Member Spotlight: Elizabeth Langer--Trades Legal Briefs for Canvas, Washington Lawyer (June 2020)

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NEWS: Article on Solo Exhibit at West Tisbury Library, Martha's Vineyard Times (July 2019).

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NEWS: Article on 1968 and Student Activism in the Columbia Spectator (March, 2018). Participant on Panel at Barnard College.

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Catalog: HOME(less), Hebrew Union College -
Jewish Institute of Religion Museum, New
York (2017-2018)

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Catalogue: Healing Through Art: A Collaborative Exhibition, Studio Montclair at the Montclair Public Library, Montclair, NJ (2017)

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Kate Feiffer, Process, MARTHA’S VINEYARD: ARTS & IDEAS (July, 2016): How Do You Know When You're Finished?

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Catalogue: EVIL: A Matter of Intent, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Museum, New York (2015-16)

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Brooks Robards, Elizabeth Langer Brings Paintings, Drawings, Colleages to Chilmark Library (Aug. 5, 2015)

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Old Music Collage: Poster Image for Martha's Vineyard Chamber Music Society Series (Summer, 2014)

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Elizabeth Langer to Exhibit at Martha's Vineyard Film Center, Martha's Vineyard Times (June 30, 2014)

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Elizabeth Langer, From Women's Rights Advocate to Litigator to Mother to Painter -- Transition From Left Brain to Right Brain, Women's Bar Association Raising the Bar (Nov., 2013)

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Brooks Robards, In the Studio of Elizabeth Langer: Exploring New Art Forms, Martha's Vineyard Times (Aug. 1, 2013)

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Urge to Create More Than Guilty Pleasures, Martha's Vineyard Gazette (July, 2012)

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Natasha Ewart, Law and Art: Elizabeth Langer, New York Law School Sidebar (May 18, 2012)

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Jenna M. McKnight, FXFOWLE Exhibition, Architecture Record (July 1, 2011)

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Elizabeth Langer, Birth of the Women's Rights Law Reporter, Barnard Magazine (Nov. 2010)

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"Last Image" Showcase for Alumnae Art, Barnard Magazine (Fall 2010)

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For background on the artist see Elizabeth Langer, Seizing the Moments: The Beginning of the Women's Rights Law Reporter and a Personal Journey, 30 Women's Rights Law Reporter 592 (2009).

Old Music Collage: Poster Image for Martha's Vineyard Chamber Music Society Series (Summer, 2014)